Snowfall: 24 Hrs | Snowfall: Base | Snowfall: Season | Trails Open | Current Weather |
6"24 Hrs | 50"Base | 142"Season | 103/107Trails Open |
Kick back and unwind with live music on the Purgatory Plaza, Fridays this summer 4:00pm to 6:00pm. Whether you’ve done a day full of our mountain-activities, shredded it up on our bike trails or adventured out in the San Juans in your own way, a little live music in a relaxed mountain setting is the perfect way to top it all off.
Step back in time with Maxwell Miller as he shares the classic tunes of Frank Sinatra and other crooners from the good old days. His music will connect you with the light-hearted and deeply moving songs of that time. He also enjoys adding in some favorite musical theater numbers to tug at your heart strings, always aiming to make his audience feel. Milller has been from Pagosa Springs to New York and back again, and we are thrilled to host him against the backdrop of the stunning San Juans.
“It’s my joy to share my voice around my beautiful home state of Colorado and beyond.”