Drew Emmitt of Leftover Salmon will be joined by a few of his Colorado bandmates for a show featuring some of their slamgrass favorites! Come on up and party down with us on Thursday, March 2nd for a FREE helluva show out on the Purgatory Beach area! Preview their music!
If the Mount Rushmore of progressive bluegrass mandolin players is ever built, Drew Emmitt’s image will be on it alongside fellow legends like Sam Bush and David Grisman, who he channels every time he steps on stage. Emmitt got his start at an early age in his hometown of Boulder, Colorado taking lessons from Hot Rize’s Tim O’Brien. He soon joined the progressive bluegrass group The Left Hand String Band, and remade the band through his desire to combine rock ‘n’ roll and bluegrass.
Campground jams and occasional sit-ins with Vince Herman’s Salmon Heads at some festivals eventually led to a merging of the Salmon Heads and The Left Hand String Band for a 1989 New Year’s Eve show and the birth of Leftover Salmon.